An early morning island breakfast has to be good for the soul. A cluster of worshippers chattered and fairy glided their ways across the silvery waters from southern Weinam Creek boat ramp to the mangrove passage. Pulling against a receding tide the group came ashore on the beach on Karragarra where the locals were already enjoying the warmth of the sun.
The sand was damp from the 100mm dumping the island had received a couple of days earlier. Listening to stories about bone chilling cold while paddling padded kayaks wearing bulky immersion suits in Greenland made this glorious morning even more of a paddlers' paradise.
After breakfast the group split with those wanting or in need of a shorter paddle heading back via the Ws. The BOM had it right and the SE was steadily winding up to the promised 20 knots. It made for an even easier return for those with sails. The short
group was rewarded with a delicious piece of Irena's banana cake - so fresh that it gave up and fell apart while trying to keep itself safe in the container. No food is safe around paddlers - especially at the end of a paddle.
While renos threaten financial and physical health it is just as well kayaking is there to rescue the soul.