• Bribie Island Fort Walk

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    Date: Saturday 2 September, 2017
    Distance: Paddle 7km, Walk 12km
    Conditions: Light Northerly

    Paddle. Stride. We enjoy a bit of mixed media. Today’s paddle from Roys to Bribie was followed by the Fort Walk along Bribie Island’s western shore. Not only did it finish ticking the boxes for something we have wanted to do (the Fort Walk), it was the chance to check out a ‘Meet Up’ group.

    We pulled up at Roy’s boat ramp with plenty of time to spare, to find that a couple of kayaks were already down by the water. Once everyone had gathered, the only face we recognised was John from a chance meeting off the western shore of Garden Island. We were made most welcome by a group who had shared history. Turns out so had we by association and faces started to belong to stories past.

    On the water the pace was brisker than I expected. The groups’ organiser Steve had clearly put some thought into securing the boats at Lighthouse Reach. A variety of chains and stainless steel cables were combined to create an immoveable morass of kayaks anchored to a National Park’s sign.

    Being mid 20’s made this an ideal time of year for the walk. The Fort Walk wends along a shady sandy track. Signage provides context for the ruins which are in varying states of disrepair. At the northern end of the walk the group took a seat in the shade of a pandanus for an early lunch. Some went for an invigorating swim.

    The WWII structures certainly look their age and it is well worth doing the walk along the track to see what was there before any further beach erosion subsumes the remainder. We enjoyed our paddle and stride with the Meet Up Group which concluded at the boat ramp car park with the last of the muffins and a delicious expresso coffee made by Steve.

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